I cant believe summer is almost over and I've got mixed feelings about it. This summer has been a pretty balanced mix of some fun and some boredom. Summer started with tears from Caitlyn, she was extremely upset that school was over and that Mrs. Genseal was not going to be her teacher anymore. The tears lasted a few days, but then she realized that she could now sleep in, play with her brother, have a HOT lunch instead of sandwiches and do crafts all day. So what is one thing you do when school is out... take the family to the mall and ride the carousel. Love this pic, Caitlyn is having a blast and Micah is a little unsure. It's usually the other way around.

Micah's discovered markers. We used to be ok with Caitlyn having crafts in her room, she would create and play teacher and wouldn't make a mess. Well, after new carpet and her brothers marker discovery... that had to change.

Caitlyn got to go to 2 VBS's this summer. She loved them. This was her second year at the Lutheran church one and first year at Spring Baptist. She was unsure if the Spring Baptist one would be as fun as the Lutheran one. Of course, she ended up loving it.

Micah was too young for a VBS this year, so we tried to be entertained with some crafts and fun. I love the food coloring and water "craft." I love how they can mix colors and see what new colors they make... even if it is a yucky brown. He liked it... for about 10 minutes and then he was done.

Gabe and Ky turned one this year. I can't believe it has already been a year since my 3rd Angel Baby was born. This picture is from Gabe's birthday party. Just looking at the picture... can you believe that Gabe is only 5 days older than Ky? It looks like he is a whole lot older... it's the hair, I think. At this time, Ky has yet to start pulling up to a standing position.

Ahhhhhhh Happiness!

Caitlyn was invited to go to our neighbors, Iris's 9th birthday party at Sweet & Sassy... tons of fun.

Fishing makes my husband happy. Look how relaxed he is. This was the weekend that he, Papa Fred and Jason caught like a bazillion fish. They were thrilled, this summer fish really weren't biting.

I have had the privilege of getting to sing backup for my husband at church a few times this summer. I've really enjoyed it. One, I have realized how much I enjoy singing and how much I have missed it since high school. And Two, I really like singing with my man. That I actually get a chance to do something with him that he is really good at. So much fun. The picture below was taken after one of those services while Caitlyn and I were waiting in the car for daddy to join us at Taco Bell... fine dining. (Can you hear the sarcasm??? :o) )

Fun Summer of 2011!!!