I love PicStitch. I love how you can take a few pictures and stitch them together... hence the name, PicStitch.
I love this time of the year. Its my favorite, probably because you have about a month of celebrating it. This year we have been ready to celebrate and so the day after Thanksgiving we went shopping for our very first real Pratt Christmas tree. This baby is 7.5 feet tall and beautiful. I'm looking forward to a great Christmas this year!
Thanksgiving is not one of my holidays that I get excited about. Probably, because other than the theme of being thankful... the day is spent eating and watching football. I can handle eating and watching football... but in normal portions. BUT... I am glad that there is Thanksgiving. I know I need to remind myself to be thankful for what I do have. So, trying to be thankful and a good mom... I decided to make a Thankful Tree for my dining room tablescape that my kiddos can help me with and make. Micah LOVED this project.