Happy 3rd Birthday to my little man, my 2nd Angel Baby that God has blessed me with. What a sweetie you are. You mean so much to me and I am so thankful that I was the one chosen to be your mommy. Love you son!

- Always answers my "I love you's" with an "I love you too, Mommy"
- Mommy and Ky get the most kisses from this sweet boy.
- Calls baby brother "Bucket" most of the time.
- Very organized for a 3 year old. I notice little things here and there that show his neatness. (On his own putting his socks in his shoes so they don't get lost once he has taken his shoes off. Lines up toys in an order of some way when he is playing.)
- Loves to cuddle.
- Enjoys playing with Caitlyn, even though they often get into arguments.
- Loves to play sports... football, baseball and wrestling are is favorite. This boy has quite the throwing arm.
- Favorites:
TV Show: GodRocks
Color: Blue
Shoes: "Fit Shoes" (These shoes do not have velcro or laces... they just slide on)
Toy: Cars 'Nesting Dolls'
Food: He is starting to get picky and not want to eat when it is dinner time. More interested in snacking and desserts.
Birthday party for Micah is tomorrow night and the theme is a Superhero Party. Micah chose to dress up as Batman and he is so excited to eat his cupcakes.