Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Colorado Part 3

Ok, I have been procrastinating on updating my blog. Sorry about that. The thing is, I still have some pictures from Colorado on my camera that I need to download onto this computer so that I can blog about them. But until that day comes... here are a couple that I got off of my sister in laws facebook page. Sorry that they came out small.

Pratt fam at the top of a mountain.
Oh, I wish these pictures were so much bigger. You cant really see Caitlyn's "beautiful" make up job that she did on herself. Just imaging one eyelid is purple and it makes a "unibrow" over to the other side and connects with a blue eyelid. Auntie Linds was taking care of Caitlyn at this time. I guess that is what makes a fun Aunt.
Sarah has some of the same "designer look" going on here too.
Precious girls waiting to ride the ponys.
Me and my sister-n-law, Linds. She's great!