I was just thinking today about the number 33. There are some good and some bad things about it. I think 33 is actually a pretty number to look at... like 11, 22, 44, 55, 66. I like how both numbers are the same. I have 3 kids, that is one of the numbers out of 33. I "bing'ed" the number 33 and what came up was pretty interesting. Below are what I found to be the most interesting, whether they are actually true or not.
- The atomic number of arsenic
- 33 is, according to the Newton scale, the temperature at which water boils.
- Jesus's age when he was crucified
- Jesus performed 33 recorded miracles
- The jersey number 33 has been retired by several North American sports teams in honor of past playing greats:
- In Major League Baseball:.
- The Houston Astros, for Mike Scott
33 is a number that doesn't scare me... cause I'm 33. That is for about the next month. Next month I will be 34... not sure if I really like 34, because it is pretty close to 35. And then when you think of the number 35... you think of 40. Oh my... Im not ready for this.
Anyway, in honor of 33 and 34... I scrolled through my picture album on my computer and picked the 33rd and 34th picture listed.
33. Ky was 3 months old at this time... LOVE. Look at him cuddling with his daddy.
Those are some great pics! Well 34 shouldn't scare you, you sure look nothing like 34!!! Enjoy your last month as a 33 year old! :)
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